Marsh Infant and Nursery School prides itself on the nurturing and inspiring ethos which promotes mutual respect and celebration of the diverse and vibrant community we serve. We are delighted to be one of the first schools in the UK to achieve the prestigious 'Whole School Nurture Award'. We nurture to educate at Marsh.
Children's learning and well-being is placed at the heart of everything we do at the Marsh. We promote aspiration for our children and work with families to encourage them to strive to be the best that they can be within a supportive and secure framework. Through exciting, relevant experiences, we aim to help our children develop lively, enquiring minds with a lifelong passion for learning.
Our whole school culture is underpinned by the principles of growth mindset where mistakes are viewed as valuable opportunities to learn and grow. The dedicated and highly skilled staff ensure that the curriculum is rich and inspirational, where learning takes place both in the school grounds and using the local environment.
We welcome visitors to our school. Come and see for yourself how we grow independent, confident learners and help to build foundations for the future!
Mrs Lesley Godwin
Head teacher