Welcome to the Spring Term!

Marsh Infant and Nursery School


At Marsh School, it is our intent that all children develop the fundamental movement skills needed to achieve success in later sport or physical activities. We aim for our children to be confident in their physical competence, to believe in themselves and to interact positively with others whilst engaging in physical activities. To facilitate this, we offer a coherently planned sequence of lessons to build upon skills and cover the requirements of the PE National Curriculum. Our PE curriculum offers opportunities for progression acros s the full breadth of the PE curriculum for KS1 for both indoor and outdoor PE. In nursery and reception classes, there are opportunities for children to develop fine and gross moor skills thorough both indoor and outdoor provision. The Marsh curriculum is complemented and enriched by working with external sports specialist coaches and local clubs. PE lessons will help children to develop PE skills and work both individually and within a team. They will be helped to evaluate each other’s performances in a supportive way and to appreciate the positive impact upon health and fitness of physical activities. Working in partnership with The Amersham School sports leaders, children are encouraged to participate in local sports festivals throughout the year. It is our intention to encourage a lifelong love of physical activity or sport so that our pupils are more likely to lead healthy, active lives.
