Welcome to the Spring Term!

Marsh Infant and Nursery School

Curriculum Early Years

Early Years Foundation Stage

Intent, Implemantation and Impact Statement


Curriculum Intent:

At Marsh School, it is our intent that all children develop physically, orally, cognitively and emotionally in an environment which values all cultures, communities and individuals. We aim for our children to be confident and independent, to believe in themselves and to interact positively with others. Nurturing the children at Marsh School is a central element of our whole school curriculum. We build warm and positive relationships between children and staff by using consistent routines throughout the school day and by developing strong relationships with our parents and families. We understand that play is an integral part of how children learn and this is at the heart of our Early Years curriculum. We believe that the correct balance of uninterrupted, child-initiated play and play which is facilitated by adults, ensures the best outcomes for all pupils. We plan for adult-led whole class and small group learning experiences, linked to both the Prime and Specific areas of the Early Years Framework. We recognise the crucial role of the Early Years in providing a secure foundation for all children, on which the rest of their learning experiences can be built on. We aim to foster a life-long passion for learning through our vibrant indoor and outdoor provision, visits from the local community, trips to our surrounding areas and Forest School sessions. We are confident that these experiences enhance and develop children’s natural curiosity and imagination.


